Diphtheria culture

Alphabetical Test listing

Diphtheria culture-994

Providers that suspect a patient of having Diphtheria should contact the State Epidemiologist at (651) 201-5414 immediately so the antitoxin can be ordered.

Diphtheria culture
Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab and throat


Collect two (2) separate culturette swabs;

one (1) from the nasopharynx (NP), and one (1) from the throat/oropharynx (OP). Label swabs with appropriate site.

Throat/oropharyngeal swab collection

  1. Ask the patient to tilt their head back, open mouth wide, breathe deeply, and say "ah".
  2. Extend the swab to the back of the oral cavity, being careful not to touch lips, walls of mouth, uvula, or tongue.
  3. Rubbing the swab over both tonsillar pillars and posterior oropharynx.
    1. Avoid touching the tongue, teeth, and gums.
  4. Place the swab into the provided transport media
  5. Grasp the top of the swab and bend within the media container until the shaft breaks. If there is no indicator line, bend within the media container until the shaft breaks.
  6. Break the shaft short enough to fit completly into the media container.
  7. Replace the media cap and screw on securely. Label with the OP source

Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab collection:

  1. Tip the patient’s head back.
  2. Gently insert the NP swab into the nostril parallel to the palate (not upwards) until resistance is encountered or the distance is equivalent to that from the ear to the nostril of the patient, indicating contact with the nasopharynx.   
    1. If any resistance is met in the passageways, do not force the swab; back off and try reinserting it at a different angle, closer to the floor of the nasal canal, or try the other nostril.
  3. Gently rub and roll the swab for 10-15 seconds while the swab is in contact with the nasopharyngeal wall.
  4. The CDC recommends leaving the swab in place for several seconds to absorb secretions.
  5. Slowly remove the swab and place in the transport medium.
  6. Break the swab shaft so that it fits into the medium container and recap tightly.
  7. Label the specimen appropriately. Document the source “NP” on the label.

New England Journal of Medicine video on NP swab collection: Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection Video



Deliver specimens to Microbiology for plating on Loeffler's agar: MN Dept of Health will only accept specimens for Diphtheria culure on Loeffler's Media.


Two (2) separate culturettes (OP and NP)


Two (2) separate inoculated Loeffler's Agar slants



MN Department of Health (MDH): R-NX
6 weeks



No bacteria isolated
