ZnT8 antibodies

Alphabetical Test listing

ZnT8 antibodies-994

ZnT8 antibodies
Zinc Transporter 8 Autoantibodies

Detects zinc transporter 8 autoantibodies (ZnT8), an autoimmune diabetes marker that is instrumental in the diagnosis of new-onset type 1 diabetes

0.5 mL
0.2 mL
Submission of the minimum volume does not allow for repeat testing

Immediatley following collection, mix sample by gently inverting 5 times

  1. Allow sample to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes
  2. Spin within 45 minutes of sample collection 
  3. Transfer serum to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp), labelled as serum
  4. Freeze
Heparin plasma

Red serum vial/tube - 5 mL

Dk green heparin (Li or Na)




Dk green:

Immediatley following collection, mix by inverting 5 - 10 times to prevent clotting



  1. Allow sample to clot
  2. Spin within 45 minutes of sample collection
  3. Transfer  serum to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp)
  4. Freeze 

Dk green:

  1. Spin within 45 minutes of sample collection
  2. Transfer plasma to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp), labelled as the appropriate plasma type
  3. Freeze 

Frozen (preferred) - 64 days

Freeze/thaw cycles - stable x6

Refrigerated - 7 days

Ambient - 7 days

  • Gross hemolysis
  • Lipemic specimen
  • EDTA plasma
Esoterix Endocrinology (803995) via LabCorp (503995): R-NX
1x /week
6 - 10 days

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)


An interpretive report will be provided

Result 76651-9