Candida auris surveillance

Alphabetical Test listing

Candida auris surveillance-15067

Candida auris surveillance
C. auris

Detection of Candida auris

Swab of skin (axilla and groin)

eSwab Flocked

  1. Open the eSwab™ package by grasping the plastic at the opposite end from the soft tip.
  2. Pull the swab from its package, being careful not to touch the soft tip. Firmly rub the soft end of the collection swab across the indicated site at least 3-5 times.

Single swab axilla and groin composite collection method:

  1. Rub both sides of the swab tip over the left axilla skin surface and then the right, targeting the crease in the skin where the arm meets the body (i.e., swab both armpits, swiping back and forth ~5 times per armpit).
  2. With the same swab used on each axilla, rub both sides of the swab tip over the left groin skin surface, targeting the inguinal crease in the skin where the leg meets the pelvic region and repeat with the right side (i.e., swab the skin of both hip creases swiping back and forth ~5 times per hip crease).
  1. Place the soft end of the collection swab into the tube. Be careful to keep the cap from touching any materials that may contaminate the sample.
  1. Snap off the end of the swab at the marked line by bending the plastic handle against the edge of the transport media container.

      5. Screw on the tube cap.


Specimens must be tested within 4 days of collection. 

Swabs of the following:
external ear canal

Prior approval from AR Lab Network Central Region Lab is required before collection specimens.

MDH submission for C. auris surveillance


Refrigerated - 4 days

MN Department of Health (MDH): R-NX
5 days



See report


The skin (specifically axilla and groin) appears to be the highest yield site to swab for identification of persons colonized with C. auris. C. auris has also been isolated from swabs taken from the nares, oropharynx, external ear canal, vagina, and rectum. These sites can also be considered for sampling.
