Plasma cell monitoring-12420

Test info

Plasma cell monitoring
Flow cytometry
Monoclonal gammopathy, plasma cell
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma monitoring
Plasma cell Immunophenotyping
Plasma cell follow-up
  • CD19
  • CD20
  • CD38
  • CD45
  • CD56
  • IRF4 (nuclear)
  • Kappa (cytoplasmic)
  • Lambda(cytoplasmic)
  • VS38(cytoplasmic)

Detecting residual disease in treated multiple myeloma patients at follow-up


Pathology orders only

The P2 assay is a high-sensitivity assay validated to a sensitivity of 0.01% (1 abnormal plasma cell/10,000 normal cells). This assay is NOT a minimal/measureable residual (MRD) assay, which requires a validated sensitivity of 0.001% (1/100,000). For follow-up of patients who are negative for residual abnormal plasma cells in the P2 assay, we recommend EDTA-anticoagulated bone marrow aspirate be submitted to the Mayo Clinic Laboratories for formal MRD testing (Mayo Clinic Laboratories test code: MRDMM).


Bone marrow

Heparinized syringe

3.0 mL
1.0 mL

Collect 3.0 mL (minimum 1.0mL) bone marrow aspirate in a sodium heparinized syringe and transfer to an anticoagulant free tube.

Bone marrow specimen transport kit

Bone marrow core



Bone marrow aspirate:

If you do not use a heparinized syringe to collect the sample:

Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel (preferred)

Lavender (EDTA), 4mL (acceptable)

Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gently inverting 8 - 10 times to prevent clotting

Bone marrow core:

RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS -15 mL


Ambient (preferred) - 72 hours

Refrigerated (discouraged)

Frozen - NO

14 days
  • Improper labels (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Improper anticoagulant or ratio
  • Delay in transport
  • Improper storage temperature affecting results
  • Improper container
  • Leaking container resulting in compromised specimen
  • Quantity not sufficient (QNS)


AHL - Flow Cytometry: F
Mo - Fr
2 days

Flow cytometry

Clinical and Interpretive info





CD19, CD20, CD38, CD45, CD56, IRF4 (nuclear), Kappa (cytoplasmic), Lambda (cytoplasmic) and VS38 (cytoplasmic).

The P2 assay is a high-sensitivity assay validated to a sensitivity of 0.01% (1 abnormal plasma cell/10,000 normal cells). This assay is NOT a minimal/measureable residual (MRD) assay, which requires a validated sensitivity of 0.001% (1/100,000). For follow-up of patients who are negative for residual abnormal plasma cells in the P2 assay, we recommend EDTA-anticoagulated bone marrow aspirate be submitted to the Mayo Clinic Laboratories for formal MRD testing (MCL test code: MRDMM).


88185 × 8*
*Charges may vary based on immunophenotype of cells in the specimen
88184 - 17021303
88185 (each) - 17021304
88184 - 30881840
88185 (each) - 308818500

