The t(11;22)(q24;q12) involving the EWSR1 gene located at g-band region 22q12 is the cytogenetic hallmark of Ewing sarcoma. EWSR1 rearrangements are present in 80-90% of these tumors.
Sterile vial/container filled with sterile culture medium, sterile Hanks Balance Salt Solution (HBSS) or sterile saline.
Collect a 5 mm3 sample of involved tissue (solid tumor or other) and place in sterile culture medium, sterile Hanks Balance Salt Solution (HBSS) or sterile saline within 1 hr of procedure
Sterile vial/container filled with sterile culture medium, sterile Hanks Balance Salt Solution (HBSS) or sterile saline.
Formalin vial
Submit the formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor block. An H & E will be cut and stained, and assessed by an HPA pathologist
Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) block or 5 micron cuts mounted on positively charged slides
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Positive for rearrangement: >2.5% of 200 nuclei
Negative for rearrangement: ≤2.5% of 200 nuclei