Confirmation and characterization of protein S (PS) congenital deficiency
The presence of heparin or lupus anticoagulants leads to overestimation of PS. Activated Protein C (aPC) resistance due to Factor V Leiden mutation or some other cause can falsely lower measured PS activity levels
Avoid Warfarin (Coumadin) therapy for two weeks and heparin therapy for two days prior to testing
Platelet poor citrated plasma samples (PPP) should be obtained by double centrifugation.
Frozen - 28 days
Freeze/thaw cycles - stable x3
The patient plasma is added to PS-depleted normal plasma with normal levels of all factors but PS. The mixture is supplemented with excess aPC and factor V is then added. The extent of prolongation of the time to clot formation after calcium chloride is added is proportional to plasma PS activity.