Immediately following collection, thoroughly mix sample by gently inverting 5 times
Gold serum separator (SST) tube
Ambient (preferred) - 14 days
Refrigerated - 14 days
Frozen - 14 days
Freeze/thaw cycles - stable x3
Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA)
20-49 years: 16.5−55.9 nmol/L
>49 years: 19.3−76.4 nmol/L
20-49 years: 24.6−122.0 nmol/L
>49 years: 17.3−125.0 nmol/L
Levels of SHBG are under the positive control of estrogens and thyroid hormones, and are suppressed by androgens. These influences dynamically control the liver synthesis of this carrier protein. Decreased levels of SHBG are frequently seen in hirsutism, virilization, obese postmenopausal women, and in women with diffuse hair loss. Increased levels may be present in cases of hyperthyroidism, testicular feminization, cirrhosis, male hypogonadism, pregnancy, women using oral contraceptives, and prepubertal children.