The AML FISH panel is useful for detecting the prognostically significant cytogenetic FISH abnormalities used in Acute Myeloid Leukemia according to the NCCN guidelines.
Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel
Bone marrow
Collect bone marrow aspirate in a sterile Sodium heparin (Na hep) syringe and transfer to a sterile vial/tube
- or -
Collect bone marrow in sterile syringe (non-heparinized) and transfer to a Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel
EDTA whole blood:
Lavender (EDTA), 4mL
Bone marrow:
Sterile vial/tube
Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Normal or Abnormal with interpretation.
Cytogenetic favorable prognostic indicators include: t(8;21) and inv(16) or t(16;16).
Cytogenetic intermediate prognostic indicators include: t(9;11) and abnormalities not classified as favorable or unfavorable.
Cytogenetic unfavorable prognostic indicators include: variant t(?;11) MLL rearrangements, -5 and 5q-, -7, and 17p- or TP53 deletions.