17-Hydroxypregnenolone, MS-13398

Test info

17-Hydroxypregnenolone, MS
17-Hydroxypregnenolone, mass spectrometry
17 OH pregnenalone


1.0 mL
Adult - 0.3 mL
Pediatric - 0.1 mL
Submission of the minimum volume does not allow for repeat testing

Immediatley following collection, mix sample by gently inverting 5 times

  1. Allow sample to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes
  2. Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection
  3. Transfer serum to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp) labelled as serum
  4. Freeze 
EDTA plasma


  1. Allow sample to clot
  2. Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection
  3. Transfer serum to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp) labelled as serum
  4. Freeze 


  1. Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection
  2. Transfer plasma to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp) labelled as EDTA plasma
  3. Freeze 

Frozen (preferred) - 2 years

Refrigerated - 1 day

Ambient - 6 hours

  • Non-serum or non-EDTA plasma specimen received


Esoterix Endocrinology (500262) via LabCorp (140715): R-LC
Mo, Tu, Th
5 - 10 days

High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) tandem mass spectrometry.

Clinical and Interpretive info


Premature (26 - 28 weeks) day 4:  375−3559 ng/dL

Premature (31 - 35 weeks) day 4:  64−2380 ng/dL

3 days:  10−829 ng/dL

1 - 5 months:  36−763 ng/dL

6 - 11 months:  42−540 ng/dL

12 - 23 months:  14−207 ng/dL

24 months - 5 years:  10−103 ng/dL

6 - 9 years:  10−186 ng/dL

Pubertal:  44−235 ng/dL

Adults:  53−357 ng/dL


In humans, the adrenal glands and the gonads produce steroid hormones.  The formation of pregnenolone from cholesterol is the first step in steroidogenesis. Steroidogenesis continues along two paths from pregnenolone. 17-Hydroxypregnenolone is produced from pregnenolone through the enzymatic action of 17 alpha-hydroxylase (17 alpha-H). 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) mediates the conversion of 17-hydroxypregnenolone to 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Alternatively, the enzyme 17,20 lyase can convert 17-hydroxypregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). 17 alpha-H and 17,20 lyase activity are both mediated by a single microsomal cytochrome P450 complex.

17-hydroxypregnenelone levels have been shown to remain in the normal range in patients with Cushing.  Levels can be suppressed with dexamethasone inhibition and increased with exogenous ACTH stimulation.  Levels during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle tend to be higher than during the luteal phase.  17-hydroxypregnenelone levels have been shown to be elevated in patients with idiopathic hirsutism.


Result 6765-2

