Luteinizing hormone by IHC-12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & Interpretation

Test info

Luteinizing hormone by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & Interpretation
  • All IHC stains will include a positive control tissue
  • Immunoperoxidase staining for the presence of pituitary hormones helps distinguish pituitary adenomas and the rare primary pituitary carcinomas from other tumors occurring in the region of the sella (such as craniopharyngioma, metastatic carcinoma, meningioma, lymphoma, leukemia and plasmacytoma), none of which contain or produce pituitary hormones. Positive staining for specific pituitary hormones can divide the pituitary adenomas into subclasses based on the corresponding cell type present
  • Negative staining for pituitary hormones does not rule out a pituitary adenoma since some contain none of the known adenohypophyseal hormones
  • Gonadotrophic cell adenomas account for 10-15% of all pituitary adenomas. They usually stain for both LH and FSH



Submit a formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue block


Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue block


FFPE tissue section mounted on a charged, unstained slide


Ambient (preferred)

  • Unlabeled/mislabeled block
  • Insufficient tissue
  • Slides broken beyond repair


AHL - Immunohistochemistry
Mo - Fr
1 - 2 days

Immunohistochemical staining and microscopic examination

Clinical and Interpretive info


If requested, an interpretive report will be provided



  • This antibody reacts with LH as well as the separate alpha and beta LH subunits. It shows 8.1% cross-reactivity with TSH and 11.3% cross-reactivity with HCG (alpha subunit). It recognizes the gonadotropic cells of the pituitary gland. In the normal pituitary gland, the gonadotrophs comprise about 10% of the cells and are scattered throughout the adenohypophysis with some concentration in the posterolateral region. In some gonadotrophs, FSH and LH can be demonstrated in the same cell, but most gonadotrophs contain only one of the hormones

Staining pattern

  • Cytoplasmic based staining



88342 - 1st stain
88341 - each additional stain

