Anal smear for cytology-6301B

Test info

Anal smear for cytology
Anal Non GYN
Anal Cytology
Anal Pap
Anal ThinPrep


Anal cells

You must indicate if specimen is for Anal ThinPrep® ONLY, Anal ThinPrep® and HPV, or HPV Only.

Anal ThinPrep®:

  1. Have ThinPrep® vial(s) available prior to start of exam.
    · All specimens must be labeled with a minimum of two identifiers - preferably patient's name and date of birth.
    · The label must be on the container itself, not on the lid.
  2. Insert a water-moistened dacron fiber swab (preferred over cotton swab because it releases its cell yield more easily and the plastic handle is less likely to splinter or break) or a cytobrush into the anal canal 5-6 cm.
    · A swab of the peri-anal skin is an unsatisfactory sample for anal cytology evaluation.
  3. After collecting the specimen, place swab/brush directly into ThinPrep® vial, vigorously swirling the swab/brush while pressing against the wall of the vial.
  4. Discard Dacron swab/ brush and re-cap the ThinPrep® vial.
  5. Label the vial.
    · All specimens must be labeled with a minimum of two identifiers - preferably patient's name and date of birth.
    · The label must be on the container itself, not on the lid.

Anal ThinPrep and HPV:
If an HPV is requested in addition to the smear for cytology, you must co-collect the sample in two (2) ThinPrep® vials.

Refer to the HPV high risk with HPV 16 & 18, rectal (994/LAB994) for complete instructions.


ThinPrep: ThinPrep® vial
ThinPrep® and HPV: Co-collection with two (2) ThinPrep® vials

  • Non-Gyn Cytology request


  • Unlabeled ThinPrep® vial
  • Leaking specimen if label has been rendered unreadable


AHL - Cytology: Y
Mo - Fr
2 days

Microscopic examination

Clinical and Interpretive info



