Creatinine, timed urine

Alphabetical Test listing

Creatinine, timed urine-85

Creatinine, timed urine
Urine, 24 hr

Collect specimen for 24 hrs, or, specified time period; note length of time on request.

How to collect a 24 hr urine sample


  1. Record total urine volume
  2. Mix 24 hour specimen well
  3. Transfer an 8 mL aliquot of a well-mixed 24 hour collection to a Urine aliquot transport vial/tube - 10mL (AHL)
  4. Patient's weight is required.

24 hr urine collection with 10g Boric Acid preservative

24 hr urine collection with HCl preservative (acceptable, but not preferred)


24 hr urine collection container, no additive (acceptable, but not preferred)


Refrigerated (preferred) - 6 days

Ambient - 2 days

Frozen - 6 months

  • Improper labels (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Hemolysis (some procedures)
  • Delay in transport
  • Improper storage temperature affecting results
  • Inappropriate timing of collection
  • Improper container
  • Leaking container resulting in compromised specimen
  • Quantity not sufficient (QNS)
AHL - Chemistry: C
1 day

Kinetic - Jaffe (Alkaline Picrate)

Male:    12 - 28 mg/kg/24hrs
Female: 11 - 26 mg/kg/24hrs