
Bone marrow transport vial/tube
Item Name: Bone marrow transport vial/tube
Item Description:

8mL round bottom polystyrene tube (13X100mm)

CVS media
Item Name: CVS media
Item Description:

Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) with Sodium Heparin and Pen-Strep/L-Glutamine For the collection and transport of CVS (Chorionic villas sample) for prenatal Cytogenetics testing

Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep) vial/tube (no gel) - 4 mL
Item Name: Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep) vial/tube (no gel) - 4 mL
Item Description:

13x75 mm 4.0 mL BD Vacutainer® Plus plastic plasma tube. Green BD Hemogard™ closure. Paper label. Sodium Heparin 75 USP units.

Falcon vial/ tube - 15mL
Item Name: Falcon vial/ tube - 15mL
Item Description:

15mL Sterile conical Falcon tube

RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS - 50 mL
Item Name: RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS - 50 mL
Item Description:

50 mL RPMI media for FNA's and Flow Cytometry

Special Instructions:

Must be stored at refrigerated temperatures.

RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS -15 mL
Item Name: RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS -15 mL
Item Description:

15 mL RPMI media for FNA's and Flow Cytometry

Special Instructions:

Must be stored at refrigerated temperatures.