Test Catalog Results

Alphabetical Test listing

D2-40 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Dandelion, IgE 994
DAT Negative Evaluation (Super DAT) 6994
Date, IgE 994
DBA44 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
D-Dimer, quantitative 3433
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), serum 13320
Delta aminolevulinic acid, 24-hour urine 994
Delta aminolevulinic acid, random urine
Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC Metabolite 994
Dementia, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum 12688
Dementia, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Spinal Fluid 12687
Dengue Virus NS1 Antigen, Serum 994
Dengue virus, IgG and IgM 13575
Dermatophagoides farinae (D2), IgE 4194
Dermatophagoides microceras, IgE 994
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D1), IgE 4207
Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin 994
Desipramine 928
Desmin by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Desmoglein 1 and 3 antibodies, IgG 994
Dexamethasone, serum 13426
DFS70 antibody Not available
DHEA Sulfate, LC/MS-MS 994
DHEA-Sulfate 285
Diagnostic Acute B-Lineage Leukemia 12420
Diagnostic Acute Myeloid Leukemia panel 12420
Dibucaine number 994
Differential 431
DiGeorge/VCFS/CATCH22 (DGS) by FISH 4280F
Digoxin 92
Digoxin, unbound 2393
Dihydrorhodamine flow cytometric phorbol myristate acetate test, blood 994
Dihydrotestosterone 13427
Dill, IgE 994
Diphtheria culture 994
Diphtheria immune status 802A
Direct antiglobulin test 6085
Direct antiglobulin test, cord 6084
Direct antiglobulin test, infant 6109
Disaccharidases, small bowel biopsy 994
Diuretic analysis, urine 994
D-lactate 994
D-lactate, urine 994
DNA double-stranded (dsDNA) antibodies by Crithidia luciliae IFA 605
Dockweed, Yellow, IgE 994
Dog dander (E5), IgE 4196
DOG1 monoclonal antibody (K9 clone) by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Donath Landsteiner 994
Donor Specific Antibodies (PRA) - transplant recipient 15148
Doxepin 961
DPYD Genotyping 15169
Drug dependent platelet antibodies 994
Drug screen urine comprehensive
Drugs of abuse screen, urine 597
Drugs of abuse with fentanyl 12507
Drugs of abuse, blood 945
Drugs of abuse, whole blood 11 12508
Duck feathers (E86), IgE 994
Duloxetine, serum or plasma 994
Dysautonomia, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum 14899