Test Catalog Results

Alphabetical Test listing

S-100 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
S-100B protein, serum 994
Saccharomyces cerevisiae profile 994
Safflower, IgE 994
Saffron, IgE 994
Salicylate 228
SALL4 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Salmon (F41), IgE 4226
Salmonella typhi and paratyphi antibodies 994
Sardine, IgE 994
SATB2 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Scabies/mite exam 4347
Scallop (F338), IgE 8139
Schistosoma IgG antibody 13644
Scotch broom, IgE 994
Sedimentation rate 12710
Selenium RBC
Selenium, serum or plasma 13666
Selenium, urine 994
Selenium, whole blood 994
Semen culture 6529
Seminal fluid, IgE 994
Sequential 1 13500
Sequential 2 13501
SeroNeg Rad x 3 profile 994
Serotonin release assay (SRA) 994
Serotonin, serum 13377
Sertraline 2320
Serum albumin, bovine, IgE 994
Serum Amyloid A 994
Sesame seed (F10), IgE 8327
Sex hormone-binding globulin 13363
SF-1 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Shark, IgE 994
Sheep epithelia, IgE 994
Sheep sorrel, IgE 13642
Shrimp (F24), IgE 4211
Sickle cell test 506
Signal Recognition Particle 994
Silk waste, IgE 994
Sinemet , serum/plasma 994
Single stranded DNA
Sjogren's antibodies 648A
Smooth muscle actin by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 1 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Smut barley, IgE 994
Snail/Escargot, IgE 994
Sodium 233
Sodium, fluid 994
Sodium, random urine 115
Sodium, timed urine 234
Sole, IgE 994
Solid tumor targeted NGS panel Pathology add-on
Soluble CD163
Soluble fibrin monomer 994
Soluble Transferrin Receptor 14576
Somatostatin 994
SOX10 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
SOX11 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Soy component panel, IgE 994
Soybean (F14), IgE 4210
Specific gravity, body fluid 371
Specific gravity, urine 372
Spinach, IgE 994
Spinal fluid culture, stain 6557
Spinal fluid for cytology 6301
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) 13550
Spruce, IgE 994
Sputum culture, stain 6561
Sputum for cytology 6301
Squash, summer, IgE 994
Squid, IgE 15207
SS18-SSX by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
SSTR2a by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Stachybotrys atra, IgE 994
Staph enterotoxin A, IgE 994
STAT6 by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Stemphylium herbarum, IgE 994
Sterility culture 6572
Stiripentol, serum/plasma 994
Stone analysis 13517
Stool culture 13586
Stool culture, Vibrio only 994
Stool pathogen multiplex PCR panel 12795
Strawberry (F44), IgE 4237
Strep A PCR 12796
Striational antibodies 14228
Strongyloides, IgG antibody 13415
Strychnine, serum/plasma 994
Substance P 994
Sugar cane, IgE 994
Sugar corn, IgE 994
Sulfamethoxazole, serum 994
Sulfate-3-glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG) antibody, IgM 994
Sulfatide autoantibody test 994
Sulfonylurea screen, serum or plasma, quant 12516
Sulfonylurea Screen, urine, quant 12515
Sunflower pollen, IgE 994
Sunflower seed (K48), IgE 12449
Surveillance specimens to MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) 994
Suxamethonium, IgE 994
Sweet vernal, IgE 994
Swine epithelium, IgE 994
Swordfish, IgE 994
Sycamore, Maple leaf, IgE 13472
Synaptophysin by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation
Synovial fluid for cytology 6301
Synthetic cannabinoids screen with confirmation 12521
Synthetic glucocorticoid screen, urine 994
Synuclein by IHC 12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation