Oak, Live/Virginia, IgE
994 |
Oat (F7), IgE
4263 |
Obstetric panel
Occult blood stool, iFOBT
8787 |
Occult blood, gastric
347A |
OCT-2 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & Interpretation |
OCT-4 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Octopus, IgE
994 |
Ocular/Vitreous Fluid Viral PCR Quant Panel (CMV, HSV, VZV)
994 |
4480 |
Olive tree, IgE
994 |
Olive, black, IgE
994 |
Onion, IgE
994 |
Opiate and opioid confirmation, urine
12397 |
Opiate confirmation, urine, quant
12522 |
Opiate screen, serum, quantitative
4999 |
Orange, IgE
13435 |
OraRisk HPV with reflex genotyping
Orchard grass (G3), IgE
6383 |
Oregano, IgE
994 |
Organic acid analysis, urine
13584 |
Orotic acid, urine
994 |
182 |
Osmolality, body fluid
994 |
Osmolality, fecal
994 |
Osmolality, urine
183 |
Osmotic fragility, erythrocyte
994 |
Osteocalcin, serum
13345 |
Ova & parasites examination, feces or sputum
14491 |
Ova & parasites examination, urine
994 |
Ova & Parasites for cytology, BAL, Sputum, Body Fluids
6301 |
Ovalbumin, IgE
13458 |
Ovarian malignancy risk
994 |
Ovomucoid, IgE
13459 |
Oxalate, quantitative, 24-hour urine
13487 |
Oxalate, Serum/Plasma
994 |
Oxalate:Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine
994 |
8453 |
Oxcarbazepine / Eslicarbazepine acetate as metabolite, blood
994 |
Oxeye daisy, IgE
994 |
Oxidized LDL
Not available |
Oxycodone and metabolite, serum or plasma
1443 |
Oxycodone, urine, quant
1618 |
Oyster (F290), IgE
4252 |