p16 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & Interpretation |
P2Y12 inhibition
8816 |
p40 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
p40-TTF1 cocktail by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
p504S by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
p53 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
p57 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
P63 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Paliperidone (as 9-Hydroxyrisperidone), serum or plasma
994 |
Palm date tree, IgE
994 |
Palm, queen, IgE
994 |
13481 |
Pancreatic amylase, blood
13381 |
Pancreatic elastase, fecal
13384 |
Pancreatic polypeptide, plasma
994 |
Panel 4 - transplant donor
15172 |
Panorama prenatal screen
12637 |
Papaya, IgE
994 |
Paprika, IgE
994 |
Paraneoplastic autoantibody evaluation
Parasite direct exam
6684 |
Parathyroid hormone by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Parathyroid hormone, fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) - needle wash
994 |
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rP)
13431 |
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
2323 |
Parsley, IgE
994 |
Parvovirus B19 (Human), IgG/IgM
13537 |
Parvovirus B19 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Parvovirus B19 PCR, amniotic fluid
15226 |
Parvovirus B19, PCR
13392 |
Passion fruit, IgE
994 |
Pathology tissue exam with Immunofluorescence (IMF)
6292 |
Pathology tissue exam, breast core biopsy
12419 |
Pathology tissue exam, general
6292 |
Pathology tissue exam, placenta
12377 |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
4280G (bone marrow) or 4280H (blood) |
4280G (bone marrow) or 4280H (blood) |
PD-L1 by IHC
Peach, IgE
15204 |
Peanut (F13), IgE
4204 |
Peanut components allergen profile
12468 |
Peanut IgG4
994 |
Pear, IgE
15223 |
Pecan nut (F201), IgE
4225 |
Pecan, Hickory, IgE
994 |
Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathy/CNS Disorder Evaluation, Serum
994 |
Pemphigus/Pemphigoid profile I
994 |
Penicillin G, IgE
994 |
Penicillin V, IgE
994 |
Penicillium chrysogenum (M1), IgE
4208 |
Penicillium glabrum, IgE
994 |
Penicilloyl G, IgE
994 |
Penicilloyl V, IgE
994 |
Pepper tree, IgE
994 |
Pepper, black, IgE
994 |
Pepper, Chili, IgE
994 |
Pepper, Jalapeno, IgE
994 |
Pepsinogen II
994 |
Perampanel, serum/plasma
14240 |
Perch, Ocean, IgE
994 |
Perennial rye grass (G5), IgE
4222 |
Periodic acid schiff diastase stain
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Periodic acid schiff stain
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Periodic acid schiff stain for fungus
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Peripheral blood morphology
470 |
Pernicious anemia cascade
Persimmon, IgE
994 |
pH, body fluid
323 |
pH, stool
994 |
pH, urine
351 |
Pharmacogenomic Testing (Genesight)
Phencyclidine, urine
4283 |
207 |
Phenobarbital, unbound
994 |
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine, quant, plasma
994 |
Phenylalanine, quantitative, plasma
994 |
91 |
Phenytoin, free
1993 |
Phenytoin, total & free
90 |
Phoma betae, IgE
13444 |
15130 |
Phospholipase A2 receptor autoantibodies, IgG
14227 |
205 |
Phosphorus, random urine
994 |
Phosphorus, timed urine
206 |
Phosphorylated Tau 181 (pTau-181)
15163 |
Phthalic anhydride, IgE
994 |
Pigeon feathers, IgE
994 |
Pigweed, common, IgE
13436 |
Pine nut, pignoles (F253), IgE
12447 |
Pine, Australian IgE
994 |
Pine, White, IgE
15216 |
Pineapple, IgE
13457 |
Pinworm prep
6603 |
Pistachio nut (F203), IgE
7054 |
PIT-1 by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Pityrosporum orbiculare, IgE
994 |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Plasma Cell Dyscrasia by FISH panel
4280H (blood) or 4280G (bone marrow) |
Plasma cell heavy chains
12420 |
Plasma cell monitoring
12420 |
Plasma cell screen
12420 |
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) 4G/5G polymorphism
994 |
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, activity
994 |
Plasminogen Activity
994 |
Plasminogen Antigen
994 |
Plasmodium species, PCR
994 |
Plasmodium spp. (malaria) antibody
994 |
Platelet aggregation studies, blood
Platelet antibody screen
707 |
Platelet count
484 |
Platelet function test
6950 |
Plum, IgE
994 |
PML/RARA quantitative PCR
994 |
PMP22 MLPA del/dup analysis
994 |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Pneumococcal Ab, 23 serotypes
13657 |
Pneumococcal antibody panel, 14 serotypes
994 |
Pneumocystis jiroveci, molecular detection, PCR
12573 |
Poliovirus (types 1, 3) antibodies
994 |
Poliovirus immune status
Pollock, white, IgE
994 |
Pomegranate, IgE
994 |
Pompe Disease Enzyme Analysis
994 |
Poplar, white IgE
994 |
Poppy seed, IgE
994 |
Porcine FVIII Nijmegen Bethesda assay
994 |
Pork (F26), IgE
8573 |
Porphobilinogen deaminase, erythrocyte
994 |
Porphobilinogen, quantitative, 24-hour urine
994 |
Porphobilinogen, quantitative, random urine
994 |
Porphyrins, 24-hour stool
994 |
Porphyrins, quantitative, 24-hour urine
13486 |
Porphyrins, quantitative, random urine
13518 |
Porphyrins, total, plasma
13646 |
Posaconazole, serum or plasma
994 |
211 |
Potassium, fluid
994 |
Potassium, random urine
213 |
Potassium, timed urine
210 |
Potato, sweet IgE
994 |
Potato, white, IgE
13437 |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Powassan Virus, IgM, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Serum
994 |
Powassan Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Blood
994 |
Powassan Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Random, Urine
994 |
Powassan Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Spinal Fluid
994 |
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
2455 |
Precursor/blast enumeration
12420 |
Preeclampsia Risk Evaluation for 2nd and 3rd Trimester
994 |
8271 |
Pregnancy (HCG), plasma/serum
683 |
Pregnancy, urine
708 |
Pregnenolone, MS
994 |
Prekallikrein assay
994 |
1452 |
Privet, common, IgE
994 |
LAB7095 |
8558 |
257 |
Progesterone receptor by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
13397 |
215 |
Prolactin by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Prolactin, Pituitary Macroadenoma, Serum
994 |
1625 |
Propeptide Type 1 Collagen
13400 |
Prostaglandin D2, serum
994 |
Prostaglandin D2/creatinine ratio, urine
994 |
Prostate cocktail by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Prostate specific antigen by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & Interpretation |
Prostatic acid phosphatase by IHC
12376 - Technical only, 12379 - Technical & interpretation |
Prostatic specific antigen, total
1097 |
Prostatic specific antigen, total & free
4765 |
Prostatic specific antigen, ultrasensitive
994 |
Protein C activity
5756 |
Protein C antigen
994 |
Protein electrophoresis, pleural fluid
994 |
Protein ELP w/ reflex to immunofixation, serum
12469 |
Protein ELP, 24-hour urine
218 |
Protein ELP, random urine
3218 |
Protein ELP, serum
216 |
Protein Qualitative, urine
360 |
Protein S, free
5750 |
Protein S, Functional
994 |
Protein S, total
994 |
Protein, CSF total
220 |
Protein, quant, random urine
1184 |
Protein, timed urine
361 |
Protein, total
219 |
Protein, total, body fluid (Other than CSF, pericardial, peritoneal or pleural fluid)
13357 |
Protein, total, pericardial, peritoneal or pleural fluid
9362 |
Protein/creatinine ratio, urine
2805 |
Proteinase 3 antibodies, IgG
12685 |
487 |
PTH Intact with Calcium
2317 |
Pumpkin seed, IgE
994 |
Pumpkin, IgE
15206 |
Purines and Pyrimidines Panel, Plasma
994 |
Pyroglutamic acid (5-oxoproline)
Pyruvic acid, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
994 |
Pyruvic acid, whole blood
994 |