T cell gene rearrangement

Alphabetical Test listing

T cell gene rearrangement-5453

T cell gene rearrangement
T-cell receptor beta rearrangement (TcRb)
T-cell receptor gamma rearrangement (TcRg)

Detection of clonal rearrangements of T cell receptor genes that are associated with malignant processes

EDTA whole blood
4.0 mL
2.0 mL

Immediatley following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gentle inverting 8 - 10 times, to prevent clotting


Lavender (EDTA), 4mL


ACD whole blood
Sodium citrate (Na cit) whole blood
Bone marrow

Yellow ACD (A or B)


 Lt blue Sodium citrate (Na Cit) - 2.7mL 

Bone Marrow

Lavender (EDTA), 4mL

Fresh tissue

RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS -15 mL

Whole blood 4.0mL (minimum 1.0 mL)
Bone marrow 5.0cc (minimum 1.0cc)
Tissue 200mg

Bone marrow

  • Submit entire specimen


  • Frozen preferred if not tested immediately
  • Freeze as quickly as possible at -20 to -70°C
  • Fresh tissues may be submitted in RPMI
  • Best results when used within 3 days
  • Recommended for tissues with high probability of immediate or pending orders
  • Formalin fixed tissue in a paraffin block (B3 and B5 fixatives are not recommended)

Questions call (612) 863-4475


Yellow ACD (A or B)

Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit)


RPMI with Hepes/Pen strep/FBS -15 mL

Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue block


Molecular Medicare billing request

Hospital clients submitting a request for this assay on an outpatient with Medicare should complete and submit a Molecular Medicare billing request form to notify us of the need for Allina Health Laboratory to bill insurance.


Whole blood or bone marrow:

Refrigerated (preferred)

Ambient (OK)



  • Improper label (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Wrong container (anticoagulant or solution)
  • Improper blood/anticoagulant ratio
  • Delay in transport
  • Improper storage
  • Inappropriate timing of collection
  • Interfering substances
  • Leaking container
AHL - Molecular Diagnostics: D
8 days

PCR and capillary electrophoresis

This test may require preauthorization from the insurance provider. Check the payer guidelines and, if needed, obtain the pre-authorization prior to sample collection.

Medical necessity

Hospital clients submitting a request for this assay on an outpatient with Medicare should complete and submit a Molecular Medicare billing request form to notify us of the need for Allina Health Laboratory to bill insurance.

Molecular Medicare billing request
