Sterile vial/container
Preferred - Fluid or tissue for broad range bacterial DNA testing should be put in a sterile container by the provider at the time of the procedure. This ensures that the specimen won’t be opened until it reaches the testing laboratory and prevents the opportunity for contamination.
Acceptable - OK to add on to an open container. Order must be placed within 7 days of collection. Freeze immediately upon receipt of 16s order.
28s, 26s, or 23s (broad range fungal PCR) may be ordered on this same specimen, and will be performed at an additional charge. Order as an MSO.
Contact the laboratory medical director through Client Services if there are questions.
Sterile vial/container
For all sites other than Phillips Eye:
For Phillips Eye (PEA) only:
Frozen (preferred) - 21 days
Refrigerated - 7 days
Ambient (room temp) - 2 hours
PCR Sequencing
No bacterial 16S rDNA detected