Vesicular specimens collected from persons infected with a non-variola Orthopoxvirus (such as vaccinia, monkeypox, or cowpox) are expected to produce a positive result with this assay. Although this assay does not differentiate vaccinia or monkeypox virus from cowpox, camelpox, ectomelia or gerbilpox virus, a positive result with this assay in the United States is most likely due to monkeypox virus or vaccinia virus; however, potential exposure to other Orthopoxviruses should be considered.
If multiple lesions with differing appearances are present, consider submitting additional collections, as described above, for each lesion type.
Vigorously swab or brush the base of the lesion with a sterile dry polyester, rayon or Dacron swab. Collect a second swab from the same lesion. Insert swab into a sterile vial.
Refrigerated (preferred)– 7 days
Frozen - 30 days
Improperly submitted specimens, including grossly leaking samples; swabs submitted in non-validated transport media, including 0.9% saline or liquid Amies (E-Swabs); swab specimens submitted in aerobic or anaerobic transport devices
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Not detected