Hemoglobin (Hb) solubility

Alphabetical Test listing

Hemoglobin (Hb) solubility-13333

Hemoglobin (Hb) solubility
Hb S
Hemoglobin S
Hgb solubility
Sickle cell preparation
Sickle cell solubility test
Sickle cell test
Sickle prep
  • Qualitative determination of presence of hemoglobin S
  • Detect sickling hemoglobins
  • Evaluate hemolytic anemia, undiagnosed hereditary anemia with morphologic (sickle-like) abnormalities on peripheral blood smear
EDTA whole blood
1.0 mL
0.1 mL

Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gentle inverting 8 - 10 times, to prevent clotting


Lavender (EDTA), 4mL

Sodium citrate (Na cit) whole blood
ACD whole blood
Heparin whole blood

Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit) - 2.7mL

Yellow ACD (A or B)


Dk green heparin (Li or Na), no gel



Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit)

Yellow ACD (A or B)

Dk green heparin (Li or Na), no gel


Ambient (preferred) - 14 days

Refrigerated - 14 days

Frozen - 14 days
Freeze/thaw cycles - stable x 3
  • Specimen other than whole blood received
  • Clotted specimen
LabCorp Burlington (005223): R-LC
Mo - Fr
1 - 3 days

Sodium hydrosulfite reduction



Distinction between Hb S beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia is not always possible on clinical, hematologic, or electrophoretic grounds. Thalassemia heterozygotes have hypochromia and microcytosis, but overlap values exist. Differentiation can best be made by family or molecular pathology methods. Regional prevalence in the midwest area of Hb S beta-thalassemia is estimated to be 1:23,000 of the black population. It is recommended that positive sickle cell patients be further evaluated with Hb fractionation (HPLC), Hb F studies, and family studies. Complete characterization may require sophisticated laboratory studies with DNA amplification.