Mumps PCR

Alphabetical Test listing

Mumps PCR-994

Mumps PCR

Culture may be performed on a specimen with negative PCR results


An acute illness characterized by parotitis/other salivary gland swelling (lasting at least 2 days), orchitis or oophoritis unexplained by another more likely diagnosis.

Swab (buccal or throat) or Urine, random


BBL Culture Swab, Culturettes, Dacron swabs in Viral transport media: UTM, M4 or M5.


Screw cap plastic container (sterile)


Buccal swab or 10-40 mL urine

Considering day 0 as swelling onset date:

Day 0-5 of swelling: buccal swab
Day 6-9 of swelling: buccal swab and urine

Buccal swab:

  1. Massage the buccal cavity (the space near the upper rear molars between the cheek and the teeth) for 30 and swab the area; obtain a generous amount of saliva.
  2. Place swab in a sterile tube containing 2 - 3 mL transport media.


  1. Collect 10 - 40 mL of urine in a sterile urine specimen container.
  2. Have patient void directly into container, collecting from the first part of the urine stream if possible.
  3. First-morning voided specimens are ideal, but any urine collection is adequate.

Throat swab (acceptable, but not preferred)

  1. Vigorously swab tonsillar areas and posterior nasopharynx with a viral culturette.
    1. Use tongue blade to depress tongue to prevent contamination of swab with saliva.
  2. Place swab into 2 - 3 mL of transport media.

Notify MDH that specimens are being sent. Use mumps reporting form or call (651) 201-5414 or toll-free at (877) 676-5414



BBL Culture Swab, Culturettes, Dacron swabs in Viral transport media: UTM, M4 or M5.


Screw cap plastic container (sterile)



  • Wood-tipped applicators, Cotton-tipped swabs, Calcium-alginate tipped swabs, Charcoal swabs, Gel swabs
  • Anaerobic media
MN Department of Health (MDH): R-NX
Mo - Fr
2 - 3 days

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)




If mumps is strongly suspected, the health care provider should advise exclusion from all activities, including child care, school and work through 5 days following onset of swelling.