Hepatitis B core IgM antibody

Alphabetical Test listing

Hepatitis B core IgM antibody-655

Information for this test temporarily referred to LabCorp found here: Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM LAB14675


Hepatitis B core IgM antibody
Acute Hepatitis B core antibody
Anti HBC core
Anti-HBc IgM Aby
Anti-hepatitis B core total
HBc antibody
HBV core IgM
IgM anti-HBC
LabCorp (16881): R-LC
1.0 mL
0.5 mL

Immediately following collection, thoroughly mix sample by gently inverting 5 times

  1. Allow sample to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes
  2. Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection

Gold serum separator (SST) tube


Lithium heparin (Li hep) plasma
Sodium heparin (Na hep) plasma
EDTA plasma

Lt green/Dk green/Lavender:

Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gently inverting 8 - 10 times, to prevent clotting



  1. Allow sample to clot
  2. Spin
  3. Transfer serum to a False bottom plasma/serum transport vial/tube (AHL), labelled as serum, within two (2) hours of sample collection

Lt green PST:

Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection

Dk green/Lavender:

  1. Spin
  2. Transfer plasma to a False bottom plasma/serum transport vial/tube (AHL), labelled as the appropriate plasma type, within two (2) hours of sample collection

Plasma separator (Lt green PST)

False bottom plasma/serum transport vial/tube (AHL)


Refrigerated (preferred) - 7 days

Ambient - 3 days

Frozen - 3 months

  • Improper labels (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Hemolysis (some procedures)
  • Improper anticoagulant or ratio
  • Delay in transport
  • Improper storage temperature affecting results
  • Improper container
  • Leaking container resulting in compromised specimen
  • Quantity not sufficient (QNS)
AHL - Chemistry: C
1 - 2 days

Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) and Chemiflex




Order Anti-HBc IgM if acute infection suspected
