Cholesterol/HDL ratio

Alphabetical Test listing

Cholesterol/HDL ratio-3160

Cholesterol/HDL ratio
CHD risk
Chol/HDL ratio
Coronary heart disease
Lipid screening
non-HDL cholesterol
Pediatric cholesterol
Pediatric lipids
  • Cholesterol, total
  • HDL
  • Cholesterol:HDL ratio (calculated)
  • Non-HDL cholesterol (calculated)
  • To assess risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) in adults 
  • To screen for lipid disorders in children
Lithium heparin (Li hep) plasma
1.0 mL
0.3 mL

Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gently inverting 8 - 10, times to prevent clotting


Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection


Lt green plasma separator (PST)


Immediately following collection, mix sample by gently inverting 5 times

  1. Allow sample to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes
  2. Spin within two (2) hours of sample collection

Gold serum separator (SST) tube



Refrigerated (preferred) - 7 days

Ambient - 7 days

Frozen - 3 months


For referral testing to LabCorp (ambulatory sites only):

Refrigerated (preferred) - 14 days

Ambient - 3 days

  • Improper labels (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Hemolysis (some procedures)
  • Improper anticoagulant or ratio
  • Delay in transport
  • Improper storage temperature affecting results
  • Improper container
  • Leaking container resulting in compromised specimen
  • Quantity not sufficient (QNS)
AHL - Chemistry: C


82465 - Cholesterol
83718 - HDL