The MDS FISH panel is useful for detecting the recurrent FISH abnormalities associated with MDS NCCN guidelines
Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel - 4mL
Whole blood: (not recommended)
Bone marrow
Collect bone marrow aspirate in a sterile Sodium heparin (Na hep) syringe and transfer to a sterile vial/tube
- or -
Collect bone marrow in sterile syringe (non-heparinized) and transfer to a Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel
Bone marrow:
Sterile vial/tube
Dk green Sodium heparin (Na hep), no gel
EDTA whole blood:
Lavender (EDTA), 4mL
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Normal or Abnormal with interpretation.