Refrigerate during collection
Refrigerated (preferred) - 14 days
Ambient - 3 days
Frozen (-70 °C) - 30 days
Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)
0 - 9 years: 0−11 µg/24 hours
10 - 19 years: 0−18 µg/24 hours
>19 years: 0−20 µg/24 hours
0 - 9 years: 0−59 µg/24 hours
10 - 19 years: 0−90 µg/24 hours
>19 years: 0−135 µg/24 hours
0 - 9 years: 0−414 µg/24 hours
10 - 19 years: 0−575 µg/24 hours
>19 years: 0−510 µg/24 hours
Pheochromocytomas and occasional paragangliomas may cause persistent or paroxysmal hypertension. Work up palpitation, severe headache, diaphoresis.
Urine collections are preferred to blood sampling when there is suspicion for tumor (eg, family history of MEA II) when hypertension is not paroxysmal. Evaluate for possible multiple endocrine adenomatosis type II.