Bone marrow specimen transport kit (liquid Heparin)
Bone Marrow Aspirate
Note: Sites not using liquid heparin should transfer heparinzed aspirates to the 2 sodium heparin tubes provided in the kit.
EDTA Whole Blood
Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gently inverting 8 - 10 times to prevent clotting
2. Prepare 4 Unit smears
2. Place core biopsy(ies) in B-plus fixative container supplied in kit
a. Cores from different sides should not be put in the same container
3. Label the container
a. If no patient label available, label container with patient complete legal first and last name and date of birth
b. Write “core”, side of biopsy (L or R), time the core was put into B-plus fixative and initials on label
EDTA Whole Blood
Make 2-3 smears and allow to air dry
Bone marrow specimen transport kit
Lavender (EDTA), 4mL
Air-dried, unstained slides in a Slide holder - 5 specimen
Bone marrow specimen transport kit (Sodium Heparin)
Bone marrow study samples should be transported the day of collection
Packaging and shipping requirements
EDTA Whole Blood
Ambient - 24 hours
Microscopic evaluation