Beta amyloid 42/40 ratio, CSF

Alphabetical Test listing

Beta amyloid 42/40 ratio, CSF-14507

This assay requires a special tube at collection, and a minimum of 5.0 mL of CSF


Beta amyloid 42/40 ratio, CSF
Beta amyloid
ADmark phospho-Tau/total-Tau/Ab42

To indicate the ratio of beta-amyloid 42 proteins to beta-amyloid 40 proteins measured in the CSF to aid in the assessment of disease progression in patients with suspected or probable Alzheimer's disease.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Sarstedt Liquor CSF tube

  • This specific tube is required.
  • Use of a different collection container can affect results.
8.0 mL
5.0 mL
  • Collect Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) in a Sarstedt Liquor CSF tube
  • Tube must be filled 50%-80% minimum

Refrigerate immediately (preferred), within 8 hours of sample collection

  • Specimen must be collected in Sarstedt Liquor CSF tube; specimen cannot be aliquoted from another tube into the Sarstedt Liquor CSF tube
  • CSF in Sarstedt Liquor tube can only be used for Beta Amyloid 42/40 ratio testing; specimen cannot be aliquoted from liquor tube into a different tube for other testing

Sarstedt Liquor CSF tube


Refrigerated (preferred) – 8 days

Sample must be refrigerated within 8 hours of sample collection

Frozen  – 30 days

Freeze/thaw cycles - stable x1

  • Wrong tube type
  • Not stored at proper temperature
  • Quantity not sufficient (QNS)
  • Sample transferred from another tube
  • Gross hemolysis
LabCorp (505560): R-LC
10 days

Chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA)


See report for interpretation

82233, 82234