Cystic fibrosis mutation analysis, 106-mutation panel

Alphabetical Test listing

Cystic fibrosis mutation analysis, 106-mutation panel-994

May 31, 2022

Due to capacity limitations at Mayo Clinic Laboratories, results are currently delayed for this test.


Cystic fibrosis mutation analysis, 106-mutation panel
Cystic Fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
Cystic fibrosis, prenatal diagnosis
EDTA whole blood
2.5 mL

Immediately following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gentle inverting 8 - 10 times, to prevent clotting


Lavender (EDTA), 4mL

ACD whole blood
Whole blood
5 blood spots

Blood spot collection instructions:

  1. Let blood dry on the filter paper at ambient temperature in a horizontal position for 3 hours
  2. Do not expose specimen to heat or direct sunlight
  3. Do not stack wet specimens
  4. Keep specimen dry

Yellow ACD (A or B)

Blood spot collection card (Whatman Protein Save 903 paper)


Ambient (preferred)

Refrigerated (OK)

Specimen preferred to arrive at Mayo Clinic Laboratories within 96 hours of collection. 

Mayo Clinic Laboratories (CFP): R-NX
Mo - Fr
6 - 7 days

Multiplex (PCR)-based assay utilizing the Agena Mass ARRAY platform


An interpretive report will be provided
