Fetal maternal screen

Alphabetical Test listing

Fetal maternal screen-6135

Fetal maternal screen
Fetal maternal hemorrhage screen
Rosette test
Weak D testing may be reflexed.

The Fetal maternal screen is a qualitative test to detect fetal maternal hemorrhage in Rh negative females with Rh positive infants.

EDTA whole blood
4.0 mL
  1. The sample must be drawn post-delivery for post-partum evaluations
  2. Wait at least one hour after delivery to collect specimen
  3. Immediatley following collection, mix sample thoroughly by gently inverting 8 - 10, times to prevent clotting

    Labelling instructions:
Excellian sites:
Tube must be labeled with the patients first and last name and Excellian MRN, date and time of collection and phlebotomist’s A#

Non-Excellian sites:
Tube must be labeled with the patient's first and last name and date of birth, date and time of collection and phlebotomist’s initials.

Submit tube unspun


Lavender (EDTA), 4mL


Refrigerated - 48 hrs

  • Improper label (unlabeled or mislabeled)
  • Hemolysis
AHL - Blood Bank: B
< 24 hrs

Agglutination-rosette technique


Rh(D) typing may be performed at an additional charge if no Rh typing is in the patient history.

FMHS test interpretation:

  • If negative, 1 dose (300 microliters) Rh Immune Globulin is indicated.
  • If positive, a Kleihauer Stain (457/85460.0) or Flow cytometry will be automatically reflexed to quantitate the possible fetal maternal hemorrhage.
    • The quantity of fetal cells present is used to calculate the appropriate dose of Rh Immune Globulin to administer.
  • If the Rh of the infant is unknown or the infant is a D variant, the fetal maternal screen is unable to accurately screen for the fetal-maternal hemorrhage. A Kleihauer Stain will be automatically reflexed to quantitate the possible fetal maternal hemorrhage.
    • The quantity of fetal cells present is used to calculate the appropriate dose of Rh Immune Globulin to administer.

