Aiding in diagnosis of common viral pathogens causing severe disease in patients with signs and symptoms of influenza-like-illness (ILI).
Please have patient blow their nose prior to NP and nasal collections. Excessive mucus is known inhibitor/interfering substance for molecular testing.
For Allina Health Clinic Ambulatory patients only:
Hologic Direct Load Tube
For all other patients:
For Allina Health Clinic Ambulatory patients:
The Hologic Direct Load Tube allows for Nasal/OP collection using the pink proprietary swab.
Nasal collection
OP Collection
For all other patients:
Use the mini-tip NP swab included in the UTM packaging.
Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab collection:
New England Journal of Medicine video on NP swab collection: Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection Video
Universal Transport media (UTM)
Hologic Direct Load Tube - Allina Health Clinic Ambulatory Patients only
Universal Transport media (UTM)
Hologic Direct Load Tube - (Allina Health Clinic Ambulatory)
Universal Transport media (UTM)
Realt time nucleic acid amplification (NAAT)
Excessive mucus is a known inhibitor/interfering substance for molecular tests. Review specimen tab for patient preparation.