Chikungunya virus RNA, qualitative, real-time PCR

Alphabetical Test listing

Chikungunya virus RNA, qualitative, real-time PCR-994

Chikungunya virus RNA, qualitative, real-time PCR

Chikungunya virus is a mosquito-transmitted virus that is usually associated with acute epidemic polyarthralgia and fever.

Detection of Chikungunya virus by this assay is based upon the real-time amplification of viral genomic RNA sequences from total nucleic acid extraction of the specimen.

1.2 mL
0.5 mL

Immediately following collection, mix sample by gently inverting 5 times

  1. Allow sample to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes
  2. Spin within 45 minutes of sample collection
  3. Transfer to a Screw-cap polypropylene frozen transport vial/tube - 4mL (LabCorp), labelled as serum
  4. Freeze

Frozen (preferred) - 30 days

Refrigerated - 7 days

Ambient - NO

  • PCR testing cannot be added on to a sample that has been opened and/or used for other testing. If the sample has already been used for testing, a new specimen will need to be collected.
Quest Diagnostics Infectious Disease (40066) via LabCorp (817245): R-NX
4 - 6 days

Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)



This test may require preauthorization from the insurance provider. Check the payer guidelines and, if needed, obtain the pre-authorization prior to sample collection.
Result: 817246 Chikungunya Virus RNA, Ql PCR 60260-7