Lt blue Sodium citrate (Na Cit) - 2.7mL
If the patient has a hematocrit >55, a specially prepared Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit) tube must be used in place of the standard Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit) tube.
Coag – how to prepare a specimen for special coagulation testing
Microcentrifuge vial/tube in a Snap cap conical vial/tube and cap (Beaker sites)
Coagulation specimen transport vial/tube (all other sites)
Send whole blood sample in original collection container with STAT courier.
Must be tested within 4 hours of collection.
Lt blue Sodium citrate (NaCit) - 2.7mL
Frozen (strict)
Refrigerated - NO
Whole blood:
Submit with a STAT courier: Must be tested within 4 hours of collection.
Clot Based Assay
193 - 401 mg/dL
< 100 mg/dL